Lakshya- The Ultimate Event to achieve your goals

December 27, 2013 00:00
December 27, 2013 00:00
Nagarkot Hillside Village Resort, Nagarkot
  • 974-1124668

Samriddhi, The Prosperity Foundation is organizing a wonderful program "Lakshya- The Ultimate Event to achieve your goals" is being organized by dedicated team and Arthalaya Graduate as well.

Lak­shya is a dynamic and result ori­ented one night two days goal set­ting work­shop. We often set goals for our life but couldn’t achieve it. We attend sev­eral sem­i­nars, train­ings and work­shop things to be hap­pen but didn’t hap­pen. The rea­son is that we don’t get seri­ous and for­get to plan and act on day to day basis. It is said that “If you don’t work a sin­gle day for your goal then you are lim­it­ing to believe to achieve it.” The Pro­gram will help indi­vid­u­als to find their true pas­sion and strate­gic tools and tech­niques to achieve their goals in every areas of life


The event is all about;

1. Discovering the passion.

2. Unleashing the power with.

3. Breaking the comfort zone.

4. Creating the balance in every areas of life.

5. Developing goal achieving skill.

6. Motivation and guidance to achieve the goals.

7. Making goals on track.  

Duration: One night two days (In house training program)

Event date: 27 and 28 December 2013 (Friday and Saturday)

Application deadline: 25 December 2013 (Wednesday)

Gathering Time and Venue: 7:30AM Dec. 27, 2013 (Friday), New Road Gate

How to apply :

Venue: Nagarkot Hillside Village Resort, Nagarkot

Number of Participants: up to 36

USP: Follow up Programs

Investment on your dream: Rs. 6000/-

Corporate Rate: 7500/-

Discount: 10% discount for more than 3 participants

For more information:
Balram Maharjan,