The Master of Philosophy is designed such that the MPhil degree holders can operate in a complex and unpredictable and specialized disciplines. The degree enables the learners to demonstrate an understanding of recent trends and the state-of-art including theoretical and methodological approaches. They can develop critical responses to existing discourses, methodologies/practices. They can also undertake substantial investigations to address significant and new areas and select advanced methodologies and critically evaluate their effectiveness. They can apply knowledge, skills, and competencies in new and unfamiliar contexts and can operate with full confidence and autonomy. They can also personally reflect on issues to analyze self and own actions fully aware of the professional codes. They can have effective and coherent communication in a range of complex and specialized ways.
All candidates must have acquired a Master's degree or equivalent in the related discipline with 2.7 CPGA out of 4.0.
Admission Criteria
For MPhil and PhD degree, a thesis/dissertation is mandatory to be eligible for awarding the degree. Evaluation of these theses/papers will generally be graded into two grades only i.e. satisfactory (S) and unsatisfactory (US). However, assigning grade point (except PhD Degree) with the evaluation of the thesis may be considered as valid as assigning satisfactory or unsatisfactory grade. The evaluation of the thesis depends upon the faculty decision of grading. If the thesis fulfills the basic requirements, it will be accepted for awarding the degree. If not, it is unacceptable, the students should rework or is failed. in the case of US, student will not be eligible for the degree. However, the University can provide Certificate of Completition of the given courses.
Grading System
Nepal Open University adops a four-point (4.0) absolute letter grading system i.e. at each of the levels, the grading system will be from 0 to 4. Types and ranks of letters, their grade points, their equivalent mark ranges and their nomenclatures are given below:
For Graduate level (Master and MPhil)
Letter grades | Grade Point | Marks range in percent | Remarks |
A | 4 | >=90 | Outstanding |
A- | 3.7 | 80 to <90 | Excellent |
B+ | 3.3 | 70 to <80 | Very Good |
B | 3 | 60 to <70 | Good |
B- | 2.7 | 50 to <60 | Pass |
F | Below 2.7 | <50 | Fail |
In subjects like Theses or Projects, if a student fails to finish all the requirements for a course, s/he may be awarded an incomplete grade, 'I', for which an appropriate grade will be awarded after completing all the requirements of the subject.
Admission process
Students are required to fill online application form via the student panel from official website
Required documents:
1. Degree certificates, Transcripts of SEE/SLC, +2 level, Bachelors level, and Masters level
All students will be required to sit for entrance examination.