Executive Presentation Skills Training

March 20, 2017 01:15
March 30, 2017 03:15
Human Resource Capacity Building Institute
  • 01 5525584, 5524891
  • hrdevelopmentcenter@gmail.com

Executive Presentation Skills Training

The Stylistic Devices for Transferring Yourself from Inexperienced Speaker to Skilled Presenter

Are you willing to develop your insight into PUBLIC SPEAKING SKILLS?

Would you like to enhance your PRESENTATION SKILLS?

Do you wish to remove your LANGUAGE ERRORS?

Just join this Training and leave rest to us!

Here we will enable you to:

- Transform your anxiety into enthusiasm

- Build confidence and fluency

- Create a positive first impression

- Command, involve and engage the audience

- Use relaxation techniques

- Be an entertainer during your presentation

- Deliver your verbal and visual presentations comfortably

Things will happen to you just in 10 days and you will realize it the very first day!

Our Sophisticated Tools & Techniques followed by Expert Guidance Make Your Quickest Improvement Possible in the Shortest Time Here

Course Overview

Presenting with impact is a skills that builds self-confidence and contributes as a great asset throughout the career to succeed in any areas of life. Furthermore, it is a skill that can be developed through experience and training. Hence, this ten-day Executive Presentation Skills Training is designed to give participants the opportunity to practice planning and designing techniques so that they can deliver polished and effective presentations regardless of the topic or audience. More importantly, this training will offer practical ideas to enhance the communication style in order to present facts, details, and examples and enable the participants to meet even the most challenging presentation goals.


The overall goal of this training is to enable participants to deliver their presentation in a professional manner.


Upon the successful completion of this training, participants are expected to be able to accomplish the following benefits.

Recognize good and poor presentations thoroughly.

Identify and resolve individual concerns satisfactorily.

Learn tools and techniques for good presentations methodically.

Handle interruptions and Q & A Session diplomatically.

Develop a unique individual style appropriately.

Command the formal English usages and language variety

Prepare and deliver their presentations efficiently.

Training Map

Course Overview and Orientation

- Partner Exchange

- Group Discussions on Individual Concerns

- Self-evaluation


Module One: Basic Presentation Skills

Activities/ Topics:

- Life Highlights

- Eye Contact Exercise

- Mock Microphone

- Role Models

- Four Cornerstones

- Hidden Treasures

- The WIIFM Factor

- Good and Poor Presentations

- Body Language

-Central Idea

- PEOPLE Theory

- STDs

- PowerPoint Presentation

Module Two: Public Speaking Activities

Activities/ Topics:

- Pair Share

- Mini Presentation

- Expert Discourse

- Group Interactions

- Meeting Facilitation

- Feedback Sharing

- Building Body

- Logical Message

- Verbal Remarks

- Formal, Interactive and Informal Presentations

Module Three: Presentation Enhancers and Attention Grabbers

Activities/ Topics:

- Warm up and Icebreaker Exercises

- Rapport Building

- Creating Natural Breaks

- Bullet Points

- Image Impact

- Graphics and Numbers

- Vocal Variety

- Effective Visual Aids

- Delivery without Speaker

- Continuous Loop

Module Four: Techniques and Strategies for Structured Speaking

Activities/ Topics:

- IDEA Concept

- IBC Concept

- CDR Concept

- The Theory of 4 P´s

- Handling Interruptions

- Team Presentation

- 4P´s and 1Q

- Reminder Cards

- Message Organizational Patterns

- Audience Profile and Survey

- TRACT Technique

- Idea Pyramids

- Technical Presentation

Module Five: Speech Genre

Activities/ Topics:

- AIDA Concept

- Methods of Speech Delivery

- Group Greetings to the Guests

- Ceremonial Speech

- Vote of Thanks

- Meet the Press

- Anatomy of Speech

Module Six: Language and Usages

Activities/ Topics:

- Rules and Tools of Formal Speaking

- Stylistic Devices

- Analysis of Memorable Public Speeches

Many more need-based lessons, sessions and exercises…


We emphasize on the learning activities which enable participants to bring changes in their skills. Our training session begins with delivering the conceptual knowledge to the participants, progresses with engaging them in different learning activities and ends with imparting expected changes in them. For this, we apply one of best globally appreciated teaching methodologies (3 P’s) -Presentation, Practice, and Prescription which includes the following activities:

i) Presentation

• Interaction

• Illustration

• Display

• Demonstration

ii) Practice

• Modeled Presentation

• Shared Presentation

• Guided Presentation

• Individual Presentation

• Samples Presentation Analysis

• Warm Up Presentation Techniques

• Brain Storming

• Group Discussions

• Assignments and Worksheets

iii) Prescription

• Personalized Corrections

• Issue-based Recommendations

• Generalized Feedback

Our training activities are focused on real life needs of the participants which will undoubtedly result in accomplishment of desired efficiency required for official presentation.

Target Participants

Anyone who wishes to learn more professional ways of official presentation

Pre-requisite for the participation

Basic English communication skill

Cost: NPR. 7,500.00 (Seven thousand and five hundred only)

Starting Date:

First Batch: Monday, 7 Chaitra 2073

Second Batch: Thursday, 17 Chaitra 2073

Training Time: 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. (Two Hours Daily/ Ten Days)

Special Note: Interested participants are supposed to submit their following details through the following email for the further process of the registration.

Name of the Program: Executive Presentation Skills Training

Full Name:

Current Address:

Mobile No:

Office Name:

Office Tel:

Email Addresses:hrcenternepal@gmail.com (for the submission of details)

Contact address:

HR Development Center


Tel: 01 5525584, 5524891

Mobile: 9849138282



Nobody is born with skills.

Everybody can acquire them with the right practice,

so if you wish to master Official Presentation Skills,

This is a good opportunity for you.