
Last updated January 19, 2020

Orthodontist examines, diagnoses, and treats dental malocclusion and oral cavity anomalies. The job is oriented towards designing and fabricating appliances to realign teeth and jaws to produce and maintain normal function and to improve appearance.

Some of the duties required to be done by an Orthodontist:

  • Fit dental appliances in patients' mouths in order to alter the position and relationship of teeth and jaws, and to realign teeth
  • Provide patients with proposed treatment plans and cost estimates
  • Study diagnostic records such as medical/dental histories, plaster models of the teeth, photos of a patient's face and teeth, and X-rays in order to develop patient treatment plans
  • Instruct dental officers and technical assistants in orthodontic procedures and techniques
  • Adjust dental appliances periodically in order to produce and maintain normal function
  • Coordinate orthodontic services with other dental and medical services
  • Design and fabricate appliances, such as space maintainers, retainers, and labial and lingual arch wires