
Last updated December 31, 2014

Dentists search for the culprits behind pain and disease. They delve into countless mouths to remove tooth decay, fill cavities, and repair fractured teeth. They also perform corrective surgery on gums and supporting bones. And among their less serious but more popular tasks is the whitening and reshaping of teeth to enhance their patients' smiles. 

Like other health care professionals, dentists also work to prevent disease. They inspire their patients to do so as well, encouraging healthy diets and good oral hygiene. 

Dentists prevent, diagnose, and treat health problems of the mouth. Most dentists are general practitioners, but some specialize in areas such as orthodontics (straightening teeth with braces) and endodontics (providing root canal treatment).

“Dentistry is as much about dealing with the public as it is about dealing with their teeth.” Robin, Dentist

For Government Jobs in Nepal

  • Permanent Post in Government Institution of Nepal: Yes
  • Level:  डेन्टल सर्जन, स्वास्थ्य, डेन्टिष्ट्री, आठौं 
  • Eligibility: स्वास्थ्य, डेन्टिष्ट्री, डेन्टल सर्जन पदको लागिः– मान्यता प्राप्त शिक्षण संस्थाबाट बि.डि.एस्सी. वा बि.डि.एस. उपाधि प्राप्त ।

Are You Ready To...?

  • Operate equipment including x-ray machines, drills, and scalpels
  • Find and fill cavities
  • Educate patients on dental care
  • Wear masks, gloves, and safety glasses to protect against diseases
  • Oversee business and office tasks
  • Supervise a staff of technicians and assistants
  • Continue your education to take on specialties, such as periodontics (the dentistry of gums and bones)

It Helps To Be...

Confident, quick, and steady with your hands. You should also be people oriented -- you'll need to communicate your skills and trustworthiness to patients, who will keep your practice going by returning and referring others. Good business skills are also important, especially in private practice.

Make High School Count

  • Take plenty of math and science courses, including AP courses in biology, chemistry, physics, and calculus.
  • Enhance your communication skills through English composition, drama, and speech classes.
  • Study a foreign language so that you’ll be able to speak with more patients.
  • Volunteer at a dental clinic.

Did You Know?

Most dentists run their own practices.