
Last updated January 19, 2020

Hydrologist researches the distribution, circulation, and physical properties of underground and surface waters; study the form and intensity of precipitation, its rate of infiltration into the soil, movement through the earth, and its return to the ocean and atmosphere. Hydrologist requires knowledge and prediction of physical principles, laws, their interrelationships, and applications to understanding fluid, material, and atmospheric dynamics, and mechanical, electrical, atomic and sub- atomic structures and processes.

Some of the duties required to be done by a Hydrologist:

  • Apply research findings to help minimize the environmental impacts of pollution, water-borne diseases, erosion, and sedimentation
  • Compile and evaluate hydrologic information in order to prepare navigational charts and maps, and to predict atmospheric conditions
  • Conduct research and communicate information to promote the conservation and preservation of water resources
  • Conduct short-term and long-term climate assessments, and study storm occurrences
  • Design and conduct scientific hydrogeological investigations to ensure that accurate and appropriate information is available for use in water resource management decisions
  • Evaluate research data in terms of its impact on issues such as soil and water conservation, flood control planning, and water supply forecasting
  • Measure and graph phenomena such as lake levels, stream flows, and changes in water volumes
  • Study public water supply issues, including flood and drought risks, water quality, wastewater, and impacts on wetland habitats
  • Answer questions and provide technical assistance and information to contractors and/or the public regarding issues such as well drilling, code requirements, hydrology, and geology
  • Design civil works associated with hydrographic activities, and supervise their construction, installation, and maintenance
  • Evaluate data and provide recommendations regarding the feasibility of municipal projects such as hydroelectric power plants, irrigation systems, flood warning systems and waste treatment facilities
  • Install, maintain, and calibrate instruments such as those that monitor water levels, rainfall, and sediments
  • Investigate complaints or conflicts related to the alteration of public waters, gathering information, recommending alternatives, informing participants of progress, and preparing draft orders
  • Prepare hydrogeologic evaluations of known or suspected hazardous waste sites and land treatment and feedlot facilities